

政策最近修改:2月10日. 8, 2021

我们圣galaxy银河娱乐场app(“SAU”)尊重您的隐私,并致力于通过遵守本政策来保护您的隐私. 本政策描述了我们可能向您收集的信息类型,以及您在访问本网站时可能提供的信息类型, 还有我们的收集方法, 使用, 并公开这些信息.

This Policy applies to information we collect:

  • 在本网站.
  • In email and other electronic mess年龄s between you and this Website.


  • Offline or through any other means, including on any website operated by any third party; or
  • By any third party, including through content that may link to or be accessible from our Website.

请仔细阅读本政策. By accessing or 使用 this Website, you agree to this Policy. If you do not agree with our practices, your choice is not to 使用 our Website.

本政策可能会不时更改. The date this Policy was last changed is identified at the top of the page. Your continued 使用 of this Website is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the Policy periodically for updates.

1. 信息rmation We Collect About You and How We Collect It

Users may access some features of this Website without disclosing personal information. Certain portions of this Website may require 使用rs register for an account. 在帐户注册过程中, you may be asked to submit personal information, 包括你的名字, 年龄, address, 电话号码, 还有一个有效的电子邮件地址.

当您使用我们的网站时, we may automatically collect information about your equipment, 浏览行为, 和模式. 有关您的计算机硬件和软件的信息可能会被收集并与由SAU托管的其他网站共享, 包括你的IP地址, 浏览器类型, 浏览器版本, 操作系统, 域名, 访问日期和时间, 访问时间, 引用网站地址, 点击电子邮件, 以及采取的其他措施. 此信息用于提供有关网站访问者的一般统计数据,以及本政策中另有规定的数据.

我们可能会使用这些技术来收集您在第三方网站或其他在线服务上的在线活动信息. The information we collect automatically is statistical data but may include personal information, 或者我们可能会维护它或将其与我们以其他方式收集或从第三方接收的个人信息相关联.

我们使用的技术可能包括Cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on the hard disk of your computer by a web page server. This Website may 使用 cookies to assist you with making your online experience more individualized. This Website may also contain electronic im年龄s known as Web Beacons. Web Beacons are 使用d to compile aggregated statistics concerning the 使用 of the Website. Web Beacons collect only a limited set of information including a cookie number, the time and date of a page view and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides.

2. 信息rmation You Share in Communities and Forums Offered on this Website

您通过galaxy银河娱乐场app披露的任何个人身份信息或个人敏感数据, 论坛, 留言板, chat rooms or other public online 论坛 hosted on this Website, 可被他人收集和使用. 在这些公共网络论坛上向他人提供个人信息时,应谨慎行事.

3. 我们如何使用和分享您的信息

我们收集的信息可能会以以下一种或多种方式使用:处理您的申请, 个性化你的体验, 改善本网站, 来处理你对我们的疑问, 发送促销邮件和其他更新, for other marketing purposes related to SAU’s legitimate business interests, to fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it, or in any other way we may describe when you provide the information. Your 电子邮件地址 is 使用d so that we may reply to inquiries you may submit through this Website. 另外, visited pages may be tracked in order to determine which areas of the Website are the most popular. This data may be 使用d to deliver customized content and advertising.

Personal information you provide on this Website may be shared with third-parties, 包括但不限于, 子公司, 子公司, 独立承包人, and service providers without your permission. 所有第三方服务提供商都必须采取适当的安全措施保护个人信息,并仅限于按照服务约定的特定目的使用个人信息. SAU reserves the right to disclose your personal information, 不另行通知, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the law or comply with legal process served on SAU; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of SAU; and, (c)在紧急情况下采取行动以保护本网站用户或公众的人身安全.

4. Your Choices About 我们如何使用和分享您的信息

Our 使用 of your data is based upon consents obtained at the time you access this Website or provide information to us; by our legitimate business interests; by contracts entered by you, 包括我们的网站使用条款, or by contracts with our business partners and vendors that supply the data; and by our compliance with law. We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide:

  • You may request to opt-out of some 使用s of your information by contacting us at webmaster@aproteka.com. 如果我们认为更改会违反任何法律或法律要求或导致信息不正确,我们可能不会接受请求.
  • 如果您不希望通过电子邮件与您联系, you can opt-out by following the opt-out link on our emails or by contacting us at webmaster@aproteka.com.
  • You can set your browser to ref使用 all or some browser cookies, 或者在发送cookie时提醒您. 如果您禁用或拒绝cookies, please note that some parts of this Website may be inaccessible or not function properly.
  • 您应该通过本网站发布的超链接查看您选择访问的网站的隐私声明,以便了解这些网站如何收集信息, 使用和分享你的信息.  对于通过本网站访问的第三方网站上的隐私政策或其他内容,SAU概不负责.

5. 13岁以下儿童

我们的网站不面向13岁以下的儿童,我们不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息. No one under 年龄 13 may provide any personal information to or on the Website. 如果你未满13岁, 不使用或提供本网站的任何资料,或通过本网站的任何功能/在本网站注册, 使用本网站的任何互动或公众评论功能,或向我们提供有关您的任何信息, 包括你的名字, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 或您可能使用的任何屏幕名称或用户名. 如果我们在未经父母同意的情况下收集或接收13岁以下儿童的个人信息, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 13, 请通过webmaster@sau与我们联系.ed.

6. 信息安全

我们已采取措施保护您的个人信息免遭意外丢失和未经授权的访问, 使用, 变更, 和信息披露. However, we cannot eliminate all security and privacy risks inherent in Internet 使用. 我们不能保证传输到我们网站的您的个人信息的安全性,任何传输的风险由您自行承担. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures.

If you choose to create a profile or register an account on the Website, 您需要选择一个密码. You must keep your password confidential and you must not share this information with anyone. 您应在离开本网站前先登出,以防止该电脑的后续使用者取得您的资料.

7. 违反通知

如果我们确定发生涉及由SAU维护并受本隐私政策管辖的数据的数据安全事件, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您, U.S. mail, or other means permitted by law as soon as practicable.

8. 您在加州的隐私权

California residents are entitled once a year, 免费, to request and obtain certain information regarding our disclosure, 如果有任何, 某些类别的个人资料,提供予第三方作直接营销用途. We do not share personal information with third parties for their own direct marketing purposes; however, California residents may direct such requests to webmaster@aproteka.com.

注册使用本服务且未满18岁的加州居民有权, 根据加州法律, to request and obtain removal of content and information that they themselves post on the Services. You may request such removal by emailing us at webmaster@aproteka.com. Please note that your request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the material. 例如, materials that you have posted may be republished or reposted by another 使用r or third party.

9. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice

《galaxy银河娱乐场app》(GDPR)是一项隐私法,适用于位于欧洲经济区的个人, 包括欧盟国家. Such persons may submit a request concerning their personal data, 它在哪里被处理, 为了什么目的. 位于欧洲经济区的个人也可以撤销对大学收集的数据的同意,并可以向大学提交删除其个人数据的请求, 停止进一步散发数据, and request third parties halt processing of the data. 如果您位于欧洲经济区,并希望行使上述任何权利, 请联系webmaster@aproteka.com或资料保护主任:


10. 使用条件、通知和修订

透过浏览本网站, 您接受您的访问和任何有关隐私的争议均受本政策和网站使用条款的约束, 包括损害赔偿限制, 争议仲裁, and application of the law of the state of Iowa.

11. 未经请求的电子邮件,垃圾邮件 & 欺骗

You may not 使用 this Website to transmit unsolicited email. 您不得向本网站或其电子邮件地址包含本网站使用的域名的任何人发送未经请求的电子邮件. 您不得使用此域名作为您从其他位置或通过其他服务发送的任何通信的匿名回复电子邮件地址. You may not pretend to be someone else or spoof their identity when 使用 this Website.

使用条款 版权


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